It’s inevitable you’ll miss a lot of the little things when you’re travelling. But during my recent trip home, I realised how many of those I’ve missed over the years by scheduling in quick catch-ups with my family. A lunch break here, a short chat there. Almost always needing to be somewhere else.
Each day you’re given the gift of time. And if you decide to slow down and dedicate some of that time to the ones you love, you’ll discover the power of the mundane.
The gold isn’t in their answers to your questions during a quick catch-up. It’s in the smiles when you’re both half asleep making coffee in the morning, the joy on your niece’s face when you’re picking vegetables from the patch, or in that familiar feeling when you’re washing the dishes together after dinner. It’s when the other person knows you’ve chosen to be there with them. You don’t need to be anywhere else.
You’ve given them the gift of your time.